Next Lodge meeting
Saturday, 15th February
Next Chapter meeting
Vic Chivers - 2018/2019
OCTOBER 'INSTALLATION' 20th 2018 - Our reigning master W Bro. Paul Marshall opened his lodge for the final time and ended his year in office with a splendid display of installing Bro Victor Chivers into the Masters chair. W Bro’s MacMillan, James and (Austin) Latham assisted by taking the roles of SW, JW & IG respectively and Bro’s Bull, Vaughan & W Bro Steve Bull presented the various tools of each degree. Now as WM Vic Chivers took over his new role and confidently completed the summons agenda and closed the lodge. The meeting was attended by many regular guests but importantly 9 reigning circuit masters, 2 brothers from the Shenstonian Lodge in Warwickshire together with 2 past members who were also past masters namely W Bro’s Richard Bedini and Alan Norman. Everyone retired and enjoyed our usual hearty festive board concluding a splendid afternoon of freemasonry.
NOVEMBER 17th 2018 - W Bro. Vic Chivers opened his first meeting as Worshipful Master and went on to initiate two new members and receive a new joining member. Being his first meeting was tense enough but having to perform a double initiation ceremony added to that tension but Vic sailed through it and gave an excellent performance appreciated by all in attendance and in particular the initiates. Bro. Chris Bull presented the working tools and Bro. Josh Vaughan gave an outstanding pre-amble to the charge with Bro. Paul Field delivering the charge. The meeting welcomed back our honorary member W Bro. Clem Britton who had been absent for several meetings due to ill health. This added to a lovely atmosphere in the lodge which extended to our evening Festive Board.
JANUARY 19th 2019 - Our Lodge was opened at 4.15pm promptly by W Bro. Vic Chivers. The work today was a raising ceremony with W Bro. Terry Thurston and W Bro. Barry Nichols sharing the work. Bro. Chris Bull presented the tools and also acted as Inner Guard during the absence of Bro. Rowlands. W Bro. Brian Bowden-Brown then concluded the ceremony with his rendition of the ‘Walking Charge.’ The entire ceremony was a joy to watch and fully appreciated by Bro. Joshua Vaughan the candidate. W Bro. Vic now at the midway of his year as Master professionally guided the lodge through the remaining agenda items and closed the lodge. The brethren retired to the festive board which included Haggis, Tatties and Neaps addressed by W Bro. Graeme McCormack with an ‘English version’ by the Latham brothers and a ‘Response from the Haggis’ by W Bro. Stuart James. A great evening had by all - Pictures to follow…
FEBRUARY 16th 2019 - Our meeting today opened at 4.30pm promptly by W Bro. Vic Chivers. Following the reading of the minutes from our January meeting, W Bro. Vic proceeded with as a double passing ceremony. This was enhanced with the long explanation of the working tools by Bro. Josh Vaughan and an explanation of the tracing board by Bro. Paul Field; both presentations received the DC’s ‘call to order’ from the brethren. We received as a new member, a long standing visitor, W Bro. Pat Groves. Pat expressed his thanks to his proposer and seconder and was looking forward to his time with the lodge. W Bro. Clem Britton attended the meeting today and received a heartfelt rendition of ‘happy birthday’ to celebrate him reaching the gentlemanly age of 90! - Following the closing of the lodge a photo was taken with Clem sitting proudly with all the members surrounding him. The brethren then retired to what must be the lodges first ever ‘Indian meal’ festive board. Photo…
MARCH ‘FISH NIGHT’ 16th 2019 - W Bro. Vic Chivers commenced his full and final meeting as Worshipful Master because during the meeting Bro. Paul Field was declared the Master Elect; a very worthy successor. But Vic was not finished yet and provided a passing ceremony, that was considered his best meeting during the year. His officers gave their full support with another delivery of the long working tools from Bro. Josh Vaughan and the second degree tracing board by Bro. Paul Field. Bro. Josh was also presented with his Grand Lodge Certificate by W Bro. Stuart James who also went on to give a comprehensive report of the Launch of the Membership Pathway. The meeting was attended by 60+ as our themed Fish Night followed after, with this year W Bro. Austin Latham acting as its compare. W Bro. Vic could not have asked for a better final meeting which he fully expressed when addressing the brethren at the festive board.