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Check out past events, presentations and photo's below:

Volunteering Group
Helping a Disabled Friend
Volunteers Packing Food
Donation Boxes
Soup Kitchen
Friends On A Walk
Hands Raised
Senior Man with Mask
Elder woman and her caretaker

Freemasonry from its earliest days has been concerned with the care of orphans, the sick and the aged. This continues today and is not just restricted to distressed freemasons but also to the distressed in the community. The Masonic Charitable Foundation donate nationally; every Masonic Province donate to regional causes and individual Lodges give help in their community.

Our Master's elected Charity for this year is:
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Over the last 20 years our Lodge has raised some £61,800 for worthy causes. The Lodge also during this time through member donations to our Charity Chest together with meeting collections and visitor contributions has allowed us to give many other donations locally; on occasions even providing a contribution to assist following a major disaster that may have occurred somewhere in the world.

One of our favourite charities launched 15 years ago by our own Essex Masons is the Tender Loving Care Scheme (TLC) fondly known as the ‘Teddies’—a simple act of providing a child in hospital with a teddy to calm and reassure them has spread from our own Province to many throughout the country and has recently been reported to be operating in many parts of the world. From its conception we have raised over £1000 for this wonderful scheme and we no doubt will continue for many years to come.


Needless to say our own Almoner takes precedence in order that the needs of our distressed brethren or widows are fully addressed; in conjunction with these needs another very well supported charity by us is the Southend & Essex Masonic Welfare Trust. Their objective is to be able to supply free of charge loan, equipment to aid the recovery of those suffering from illness or recuperating from surgery. A wonderful organisation for the Freemasons and their families in the Province of Essex.

The many remaining charities we support are numerous and being local are often not readily known compared to the nationally advertised. However, one thing is for sure their work is equally important and they fully appreciate any donations that can be made.  
We are proud to have achieved
Platinum Patron status for our ESSEX 2022 FESTIVAL.

Finally, we must not forget our hard working LOI members who have also played a large part in giving to charities over the years.

Listed below, are some of the many Charities the Lodge has helped over the years:

Aaron Lewis Foundation

British Heart Foundation

Cancer Research UK

Dementia UK

Essex Air Ambulance

Get Kids Going

Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

Help for Heroes

Lady AcAdden Breast Screening Trust

Little Havens Children Hospice


Orchid Fighting Male Cancer


Southend Sunflower Trust


Charity Years
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