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White Table meeting

- Saturday 18th January


Roger Northwood (Charity Steward) - Graeme and Gary

At our White table meeting held on Saturday, 18th January the Festive Board included several presentations to charities the Lodge has supported during the year 2024.

Firstly, our Past Master, Graeme McCormack presented Gary Hayes co-founder and CEO of the Charity PTSD 999, a cheque for £3,000.  PTSD 999 was Graeme's chosen charity for his year in office which offers help and support to members of the emergency services who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, as a result of their duties serving the public and dealing with difficult and sometimes heart-breaking situations. Being an ex-squaddie himself, the charity is close to his heart.

Gary was blown away with the amount of the donation which he said would fund three training courses in raising awareness of the impact PTSD has on a persons life.

Also present was Tony Roche from St Vincent Depaul Food Bank, on Canvey island who received a cheque from our Charity Steward, Roger Northwood, for £250. In thanking the Lodge, Tony gave a heartfelt address on the work his charity performs.


Roger & Tony


Finally, our last special guest was James Palmer representing the Southend Branch of East of England Ambulance Service who was presented an Air Fryer by our Lodge Almoner, Paul Marshall. James thanked the Lodge and said the Fryer would certainly get good service from the ambulance crews who can prepare hot food during their shift break, at their Aviation Way base, next door to Saxon Hall. 

Roger, Paul & James

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