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Saturday, 15th February
Next Chapter meeting
Albert Lucking
The minutes of the Lodge of True Friendship 160 record that on September 10th 1867 a Mr. Albert Lucking, aged 23 years, who was described as a Merchant residing in Southend, was initiated that evening. He was proposed by Bro. W. Pissey, a chemist from Rayleigh and seconded by Bro. F. Wiseman, an oyster merchant of Paglesham.
Thus began the Masonic career of Albert Lucking, who had the honour of having a Lodge named after him.
His merits were recognised, for in the following year he was appointed Inner Guard and served all the offices, becoming the Worshipful Master in 1873; He was again elected master in 1894.

On 14th January 1868, he became a founder member of the Priory Lodge 1000 and was Worshipful Master in 1875, then Secretary from 1882 to 1893.
The Priory Lodge of Instruction was formed in 1873 and he was at once elected Treasurer and Preceptor and served in these offices for many years.
In 1872, only five years after being initiated he received Provincial Honours when he was appointed Steward.
The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master selected him as Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies in 1874, a position he held for 30 years.
In April 1886, His Royal Highness the Grand Master conferred on W. Bro. Lucking the purple of Grand Lodge.
On the 18th July 1893, the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand master handed to W. Bro. Lucking on behalf of the Province, a handsome testimonial to the value of £200.
This consisted – at his request – of a Vice Patronage of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys; also a cabinet containing knives, forks and spoons for the table (203 items) and an especially handsome silver tea and coffee service and a tankard. These last items were engraved with W. Bro. Lucking’s monogram.
It is interesting to note that the Province made a donation of fifty guineas to the testimonial, which is very generous as the total for the whole of the Province was only £235! - Just out of interest I wrote to the chief cashier of the Bank of England and asked him, how much would have to be given today as an equivalent donation? He replied on the 15th February 1998 stating that £12,500 was the present sum!
Albert Lucking was twice Worshipful Master of the True Friendship Lodge and in 1875 became the first Director of Ceremonies, a post he held for 30 years.
It was recorded that his attendance at the Lodge was almost one hundred percent, in spite of all his other Masonic activities.
In Royal Arch Masonry he was exalted in the Burdett Chapter 1293 at Hampton Court in 1874. He helped to form Priory Chapter, occupied the Principal’s chair and in 1878 was elected Treasurer, a position he held for many years.
Throughout his Masonic career W/Bro Lucking was a great supporter of Masonic charities.

He attended the Consecration of the Albert Lucking Lodge and visited on many occasions. He often took the chair to conduct ceremonies, one of which was to initiate his younger brother, Edward into Freemasonry. Edward was Assistant Secretary of the Lodge from 1912 to 1931. He died in 1932.
The box and Working tools at the side of the pedestal were presented to the Lodge by Albert Lucking.
Like his father before him, Albert Lucking was a Corn Merchant, as was his brother Edward and operated his business from premises by Southend Victoria Station. For some time he lived in The Broadway (now Southend High Street), but purchased Burton’s Farm in Barling, which he farmed for many years.
He had many interests outside of Freemasonry. For 30 years he was Secretary of the Regatta Committee and the Alexandra Yacht Club and was also Secretary of the Essex Agricultural Society for 20 years. He also maintained interest in the welfare of Southend, which was growing fast at the turn of the century.
In the late 1890’s he moved from Southend to 29, Westcroft Square, London which was only a few hundred yards from the then Royal Masonic Hospital.
It was there that he died on 23rd April 1905; he was buried in Acton Vale Cemetery in London.