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Lodge of Instruction

The lodge of instruction was formed in January 1900 with 14 members. Each member paid four shillings & sixpence (4/6d = 22 1/2 pence), joining fee and three pence, at each LOI meeting. Even if members did not attend they still had to pay for each meeting they missed.

It was obviously a very 'social' gathering as suppers were frequently held and members could pay for these by instalments to the Treasurer at 2/6d a meeting. Suppers were held at Cotgrove's Restaurant in the High Street, at a cost of 7/6d each.

the cost of one year's hiring of the LOI room was one guinea £1.1.0d.

At some time it was decided to hold joint LOI meetings with the Lodge of Fraternity No. 8916, one of our daughter Lodges, and this continued into the late 1950's.

There are no records to say who were the Preceptors until 1956, but W Bro. Arthur Noble informed us that W Bro. Dick Clark was Preceptor for many years. He was followed by W Bro. Jack Hart until 1973, and when he died W Bro. Arthur Noble took over.

W Bro. Fred Steed carried the office for 16 years until his sudden death during December 1994. Following which W Bro. Doug Innell held the office for a very short time clearing the way for W Bro. Stuart James who held the position for ?? years and still today helps out as an Assistant Preceptor.

W Bro. Richard Bedini stood in for 3 years and is now run my W Bro. Terry Thurston. 

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